The Elijah Church Pt. 8
1. Power to Move - Acts 8:26-40
2. Power to Heal - Acts 5:12-16
3. Power to Transform- Acts 16:22-29
Connect to Power through Obedience!
Power to Move
Elijah outran the king's chariot, Jesus moved through the angry mobs and "hid" himself, Phillip was caught up, Paul was taken into heaven for revelation, Stephen was greeted by heaven before they could destroy his body.
Power to Heal
Elijah healed the widow's son raising him from the dead, Jesus healed the multitudes, the apostles healed many people through the book of Acts
Power to Transform
Elijah prayed for drought then rain, Elijah had miraculous provision with the brook and the widows meal barrel, Jesus fed the multitudes, walked on water, and calmed the storm, the apostles had multiple angelic Jailbreaks, earth-shaking prayer - literally.