Water Baptism - Baptism Pt. 3
Water Baptism - Baptism Pt. 3
Scriptures: Mark 1:4, Matt 3:13-17, Luke 3:3, Acts 8:26-40,16:33
1. Water baptism is the baptism of repentance, a foundation of Christianity
2. Water Baptism is the initiation to change the direction of your life
3. Water baptism is essential and powerful
Matthew 3:13-17 - Jesus's baptism
Mark 7 Contrast between a ritualistic washing and a changed heart to change the direction of your life
Luke 3:3 John baptizes in water for the Baptism of repentance
In Acts 10:38 Peter says the Gospel started after Jesus' Baptism - changing the direction of your life.
In Muslim countries they don't take you serious until you are water baptized. Then if you are water baptized as a Christian you become a threat and you are vigorously persecuted.