Baptisms Pt. 1

Oct 9, 2022    Pastor Timothy Giles

Baptisms - Pt. 1

Scriptures: Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 2:20, Luke 3:16, Mark 9:43

1. Baptism means to literally be placed into or submerged

2. Baptisms reference both a ceremonial act and a descriptive work of God

3. If we follow Jesus we will suffer with Him, a baptism of suffering

4. We are given a baptism of fire to clean up our act, or sanctify us

Baptized into Christ - Romans 6

Baptized in water - Acts 8:38

Baptized in the Holy Ghost - Acts 1:5

Baptized with fire - Luke 3:16

Baptized in suffering - Mark 10:38


Romans 8:17 - Suffer

1 Cor 3:15 - Suffer with fire

Philippians 1:29 Called to suffer

1 Peter 2:20 Suffering for Jesus


Fire: purifies, destroys, cleanses, brings you to action/decision, and brings judgement

Matt 3:10-12 - Jesus baptizes with the Holy Ghost and Fire

Matt 7:19, 13:40 - The unbeliever is judged by fire

Matt 18:9 & Mark 9:43 - Refining Fire

Luke 3:16 - Winnowing is where Jesus refines us with the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives

Luke 12:49 - Fire to bring you to a decision

Acts 2:3 - The Holy Spirit baptism and fire as Jesus promised

1 Cor 3:13 - Fire judges our work for the Lord

1 Peter 1:7 - The fire of purification