Step Beyond Sorry - Repentance Pt. 2

Sep 11, 2022    Pastor Timothy Giles

Step Beyond Sorry - Repentance Pt. 2
Scriptures: Luke 3:7-18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-13, Acts 3:17-20

1. Sorry is the feeling you have, but repentance is the action you take
2. Repentance is quick action to amend and correct what is wrong
3. When you repent you receive life, refreshment, and renewal

How to identify repentance:
- Haste, earnestness, and diligence to make corrective steps
- Apologetic and ready to make amends, you take action to make it right
- Mad at yourself, there's anger at the situation that you find yourself responsible for
- Strong compelling desire that takes actionable steps
- Zealous and quick to get it right.
- Readiness to take any action that makes it right

How to make change stick
1. Tell someone what's in your heart
2. Dedicate time to pray
3. Take action on what you receive in prayer
- Keep Praying
- Read Scripture
- Feed your spirit & starve your flesh
4. Totally sell out to the change
5. Take the leap of faith